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Uso de organic agriculture en inglés
By necessity, the government embraced organicagriculture, and the policies have largely stuck.
He was studying mechanical engineering, but, to satisfy his interest in gardening, he took an elective in organicagriculture.
A small-farm and an organic -farm group said the sign-up showed USDA was making a good-faith effort to help organicagriculture.
Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are the new EU member states where organicagriculture is expected to develop most rapidly.
Austria, a popular tourist destination for its Alpine landscapes, also devotes the largest share of its farmland to organicagriculture of any EU member state.
It wouldn't be until the late 1960s, with the rise of organicagriculture, that searching questions about the industrial food chain would be posed again.
HEALTH-CONSCIOUS Organicagriculture is growing rapidly in all of India's states.